Adobe Acrobat AI Assistant

Creating a comprehensive and flexible design system to improve consistency, and streamline development.

My Role

Lead Designer


6 months (January 2023 - June 2023)



Faster design time


Daily adoption rate


Improvement in consistency and efficiency


component utlization without detaching instances


With the introduction of the robust new company-wide design system, Spectrum 2.0, my first task was identifying the missing components specifically needed by the mobile team. Recognizing the time-consuming nature and potential inconsistencies of creating components from scratch, I collaborated with a Staff Designer to develop a comprehensive component library. This library was tailored specifically for the mobile designers on the Document Cloud team, ensuring consistency, efficiency, and a unified design language across all mobile projects.

What I Did

  • Migration Transitioned design components from Adobe XD to Figma, optimizing them for better performance and usability.
  • Library Creation Developed a comprehensive Figma library with a wide range of components, templates, and interaction patterns.
  • Continuous Improvement Regularly updated the library based on team feedback and evolving project needs, ensuring it remained relevant and efficient.



Transitioned all design components from Adobe XD to Figma, optimizing them for better performance and usability.

Migration Image


Library Creation

Developed a comprehensive Figma library with a wide range of components, templates, and interaction patterns.

Library Creation Image


Continuous Improvement

Regularly updated the library based on user feedback and evolving project needs, ensuring it remained relevant and efficient.

Continuous Improvement Image
Design System Overview Image
Design System Overview Image